
“to you”

A couple of years ago I was reading Luke chapter two in the summer. I usually only read that passage during the Christmas season. As I read through it the words “to you” jumped off the page.

Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people.
For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:10-11

To really drive home the point, in by Bible the words “to all people” are directly above “to you”.

He is the saviour of the world, He came for all people,

All things were made through Him , and without Him nothing was made that was made. In Him was life, and the life was the light of men.

John 1:3-5

It is all true and it is also true that He came “for you”. Wow,

don’t miss this as you enter into the final days of Christmas. Enjoy all of it. The gifts, being with family, the wonder in the childrens eyes, but don’t miss the fact that He was born,

to you.

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Posted by Gary in Faith

Tis the Season for Porn?

Mona Charen at titled here article because of the Pajama Gram ads on Fox. It really is getting ridiculous.

We all know how far the pornification has gotten. A mainstream movie apparently treats the subject as cute and fun (“Zack and Miri Make a Porno”) and it runs at the multiplex next to “Four Christmases” and “Madagascar.” Hotels offer pornographic movies and omit the titles from the final bill. Victoria’s Secret graces every mall — and its windows resemble the red light district of Amsterdam. Viagra and its imitators are hawked ceaselessly. Television, music videos, and supermarket checkout magazines contain the kinds of suggestive words and images that would once have been labeled soft porn.

The Witherspoon Institute has published some statistics that will break your heart. Click through and read the whole story.

Mona Charen : Tis the Season for Porn? –

Dr Dobsons family minute this morning was talking about taking a decade to corrupt our children. Just walk onto a college campus. The foul, suggestive, and disrespectful language is everywhere. Not just from the rough crowd but by everyone. I go to a public events and I can’t believe what I hear. It is increasingly difficult to tell my boys why it’s important to be honorable.

The church has become nearly, if not completely, irrelevant. When we turn our backs and allow this kind of thing to happen because we want to be “set apart” or to “walk in holiness” we have completely missed the point. We must engage the culture, speak the truth in love, and stand up for whatever is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtue, and praiseworthy.

You want something to fight for here’s a good start.

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Posted by Gary in Faith

The Alliance

Tozer Devotional The money quote:

When all is said, it may easily be that the great difference between professing Christians (the important difference in this day) is not between modernists and evangelicals but between those who have reduced Christianity to an intellectual formula and those who believe that the true essence of our faith lies in the supernatural workings of the Spirit in a region of the soul not accessible to mere reason.

Tozer Devotional :: The Alliance

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Posted by Gary in Faith

Love: The Secret of Success

Kenneth Copeland has recently talked more and more about love. His insight today is strong. I have posted the entire thought but what made me pause was a comment near the end “Compassion doesn’t strike at the surface of things. It goes to the root of the problem. That’s why it always succeeds.” compassion doesn’t always look like compassion.

“Love never fails.”
(1 Corinthians 13:8)

Fear of failure. It’s haunted all of us at some time in our lives. Popular psychology tells us to adjust to it. But the Word of God tells us that there is a failure-proof way to live without it. It is the way of LOVE.

If you want to know real success, you must learn to be moved and motivated by love. That’s how Jesus was when He was on the earth.

Even when John the Baptist was senselessly, brutally murdered and Jesus went away to be alone, He didn’t deviate from the way of love. For Matthew 14:6-14 says that even then in that emotionally taxing time when the people followed Him and would give Him no solitude, He was moved with compassion and healed their sick.

I used to wonder how Jesus could just turn away from that terrible crime and not retaliate. What I didn’t realize was that He did retaliate. He overcame the works of Satan with compassion. He defeated hatred with love. He attacked Satan in the spirit realm by destroying his works of sickness and disease.

Compassion doesn’t strike at the surface of things. It goes to the root of the problem. That’s why it always succeeds.

“But wait!” you may say. “I can’t operate like that. I’m not Jesus.”

Yes you can, because the Word of God says that His love has been shed abroad in your heart! (Rom. 5:5). And 1 John 2:5 says His love is perfected in you as you keep His Word.

Commit to living the life of love today. Watch God turn failure into success at home, at work…in any situation. LOVE NEVER FAILS!

Scripture Study:  Matthew 14:1-14

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Posted by Gary in Faith

The Impartial Power of God

The cross must always be at the center of our faith without it we are lost.

We trample the blood of the Son of God underfoot if we think we are forgiven because we are sorry for our sins.

The only reason for the forgiveness of our sins by God, and the infinite depth of His promise to forget them, is the death of Jesus Christ.

My Utmost For His Highest – The Impartial Power of God

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Posted by Gary in Faith

The Law of Opposition

And this one; Oswald Chambers also comments:

Life without war is impossible in the natural or the supernatural realm. It is a fact that there is a continuing struggle in the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual areas of life.

Though he is not talking about nations at war the principle remains the same.

My Utmost For His Highest – The Law of Opposition

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Posted by Gary in Faith

Interesting timing

A.W. Tozer’s devotional today is titled “The Unchanging Need of the Human Heart”

It starts like this:

We of the twentieth century have exactly the same basic needs as the people of the first century. We feel the weight of sin and mortality just as they did. We long for peace and life eternal exactly as they did. We are tortured by fears, stunned by losses, grieved by betrayals, hurt by enmities, made heartsick by failures, scared by threatening death, chased by the devil and frightened cold by the thought of coming judgment.

And ends like this:

And nothing basic has changed. We today need Jesus, and we need Him for the same reasons they needed Him 2,000 years ago.

Click through and read the middle it’s good.
Tozer Devotional :: The Alliance

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Posted by Gary in Faith

The Power of Your Name

I’ll get back to Jordan’s questions this afternoon but for now something has been on my heart and mind for a few days.

My friend has been after me to get Lincoln Brewsters new CD Today is the Day. A couple of weeks ago I got it. Wow!

In the interest of full disclosure I am a guitarist. I love screaming guitars and Lincoln is one of the best alive today. I first heard of him when he played on a Hosanna Music CD titled The Smithton Outpouring, He also played on Daryl Evans earlier CD’s. I bought his first CD titled simply “Lincoln Brewster” when it came out and proceeded to wear it out. He has a number of releases in between however for reasons beyond my explanation I never bought them. I am so glad I got this one.

This new album is the complete package. Of course the guitar work is second to none but the writing and collaboration has grown so much. The song I can’t shake and have played dozens of times is cut number seven “The Power of Your Name”, here are the lyrics:

Surely children weren’t made for the streets
and fathers were not meant to leave
Surely this is not how it should be
Let Your kingdom come
Surely nations were not made for war
or the broken meant to be ignored
Surely this just cant be what You saw
Let Your kingdom come, Here in my heart

I will live to carry Your compassion
To love a world that’s broken
To be Your hands and feet
I will give with the life that I’ve been given
and go beyond religion
To see the world be changed
By the power of your name

Surely life wasn’t made to regret
and the lost were not made to forget
Surely faith without action is dead
Let Your kingdom come, Lord break this heart

Your name, is a shelter for the hurting
Jesus Your name, is a refuge for the week
Only Your name, can redeem the undeserving
Jesus Your name, holds everything I need.

Here is what I have been thinking. Until His kingdom comes in our hearts, get beyond religion and be His hands and feet. Until we start living like their is power in His name, surely nothing will change.

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Posted by Gary in Faith, Worship


People are often unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives’;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some false friends and
some true enemies; Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and it man never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

By Mother Teresa

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Posted by Gary in Faith